When you think about buying a boat, the last thing that comes to your mind can also turn out to be the most complicated one: shipping it. This is because, sadly enough, when looking to purchase a boat the best buying options are mostly available in the USA. The USA boat market is perhaps the richest one in the world convenience-wise, since it sports the most variety of models, the best prices, and most of all, the best deals when it comes to second hand boats.
But here is precisely where the problem starts for most, since choosing, testing and any other safety measures that you might take in order to be sure that your purchase is indeed the best, are only just the beginning in what can be quite a complicated and cumbersome process. This especially true for those who are not familiar with international boat shipping procedures and with all the rules and regulations that one must comply with in order to have his/her boat brought safely home.
And this is precisely where the service of a boat shipping agent in USA like the one we provide here at International Boat Transport comes into play with a series of advantages that make us by far the most convenient choice for anyone thinking about importing a boat from the USA.
First of all, no international boat shipping service can be considered truly effective unless they have a boat shipping agent in USA. This is because, while many might not give it much importance, boat shipping is always a delicate and complicated matter, and only with the help and supervision of an expert “on-site” can one feel truly at ease that all the necessary measures are being taken in order to ensure the proper and safe arrival of the boat to its destination.
For example, once you choose the transportation method that the boat you just purchased will use, the boat in question needs to be wrapped, packaged or properly stored in a container, taking careful consideration of its measurement and of its more delicate parts. And it is only with the presence of a boat shipping agent in USA like the one we provide, that you can be truly sure that your boat, and all the stages that it will go through, will be supervised and taken care of as if it were yourself the one taking care of them.