Buying a boat is definitely not a laughing matter. Boats (no matter the size) usually carry prices that make them more expensive than your average car, and the great care and level of maintenance they require can sometimes make that investment even higher. Now, if on top of all that we consider that a boat might also need to be shipped from overseas and go through an import process, then we can safely say that getting a boat from abroad can easily be one of the most important investments of our lives.
This is why, when considering how important this investment can be, the shipping of the boat becomes even more crucial.
Boat shipping methods are varied and come in a wide range of prices and types but, regardless of the boat shipping method selected, another important factor needs to be considered: if shipping the boat on a trailer or on a cradle.
A trailer used for boat transport is a somewhat small vehicle that is specially designed and built to launch, retrieve and carry a boat. Now, boat trailers are mostly factory-built and are very rigid and resistant. They are used for most professional boat transport and can even sometimes serve to store boats. They are also more expensive than their counterparts, boat cradles.
Boat cradles are a much more cost-effective solution for carrying a boat. But the main difference between them and boat trailers is that cradles are not necessarily made to transport boats since in most cases they do not have a set of wheels. As their name states, boat cradles are better suited to hold a boat in a static position, and are perfect for times when you might want to fix your boat, for example.
Now, if one had to choose between one or the other for shipping a boat overseas, each of them provides its own series of advantages. For example, while a boat trailer might not be the able to keep a boat as static as a cradle, it also provides ease of movement, allowing the boat in question to be simply rolled on or off the transport vessel. On the other hand, boat cradles provide great stability, but might require the boat in question to be lifted on and off the transport vessel, which might harm the boat in the process.
Considering this, some people who buy boats that will be transported overseas choose to simply buy a trailer, which they consider safer. The option is there, but the choice between shipping a boat on a trailer or on a cradle depends ultimately on the buyer and on his/her personal preference. However, if in doubt, you can rely on the service that we provide here at International Boat Transport in order to receive the best advice pertaining to the shipping choice that best suits your particular needs and your budget.