So you already found the boat of your dreams and are ready to bring it over to your country? Well, then the first thing to do once you have gone through all the buying process and you have made absolutely sure that the boat was exactly what you were looking for, is to choose the right international shipping company in order for the to handle the shipping of your boat and to choose the shipping method.
Here is where our service can help you save a great amount of time and money, since we have extensive knowledge of all import/export regulations, as well as of all the available shipping methods available for your boat.
One of these methods if the one known as Roll-On Roll-Off overseas boat transport operation, which is the one we recommend the most due to a couple of important reasons.
First, with the Roll-On Roll-Off overseas boat transport method, boats move as one piece in a specialized vessel carrier or mafi trailer during the whole transport process. Also, as its name dictates, the boat is driven on and off the transport ship, greatly reducing any handling or lifting, which in turn dramatically reduces any impact that the boat might suffer. Furthermore, the boat is always secured in the transport vessel’s garage decks, which protects it from any kind of water damage.
Second, depending on the size of your boat, the total cost of the international shipping with the Roll On /Roll Off method can be quite cheap. This is because, contrary to other international shipping methods that are calculated by unit or by just the length of the boat, Roll On /Roll Off will calculate costs based on the real volume of your boat. This of course, will be quite an advantage if your boat is a small one like in most scenarios, but might also be a disadvantage if you happened to have ordered a bigger vessel.
In any case, this is still one of the methods we recommend, as boats shipped this way travel safer and sometimes cheaper than with other methods.
And of course, it makes sense that you should choose a company like International Boat Transport to take care of the whole shipping process of your boat regardless of the method you choose, since we specialize in shipping boats internationally and we are also based in USA, which is definitely a plus. That, without even considering how our extensive knowledge of the import/export regulations and of all the paperwork and additional fees involved will help you get your boat faster and safer.